Monday, 6 October 2014

Linux blue print

                    BCA I SEM- BLUE PRINT
           14BCA106 - INTRODCUTION TO LINUX 
Units Hours Part A -2M Part B-5M Part C-10M Total Marks
1 14 5 0 2 28
2 12 4 2 0 20
3 10 2 2 1 24
4 12 2 2 1 24
5 12 2 2 1 24
Total 60 Hrs. 15 questions 8 questions 5 questions 120

Linux module wise questions

Linux module wise question bank
Code: 14BCA106- I Sem
Module 1
2 marks questions
1.       Define multiuser system.
2.       Write any two differences between linux and windows operating system.
3.       What is the effect of chmod 752 on the file prog.c?
4.       Mention any two versions of Linux.
5.       What are the differences between rm  and rmdir?
6.       Write any four advantages of cat command.
7.       Mention any two filters in Linux .
8.       How do you delete the directory which contains files?
9.       Mention any two file comparison commands of Linux.
10.   What are the differences between ln and nl?
11.   Mention any two disk related commands of Linux.
12.   Who found the Linux operating system and when?
13.   Mention any two types of files in Linux environment.
14.   Mention different types of users in Linux environment.
15.   What are the differences between cp and mv?
16.   Write any two uses of sed  command.
17.   Expand grep.
18.   What is the differences between df and du commands?
19.   What does bin and etc  directories contains?
20.   What do you mean by filter? Give an example of filter?
21.   What is the meaning the this command:$who | sort logfile > newfile?
22.   What will be the effect of the command umask 022?
23.   What do you mean by multiuser and multitasking operating system?
24.   Write any two feature of Linux operating system.
25.   Which are the different types of shells available in linux?
26.   Mention any two security mechanisms in linux?
27.   How will you remove a directory tree even it is not empty and without using rmdir?
28.   How does the command mv bar1 bar2 behave when bar2 exists and bar2 not exists?
29.   How will you display only the lines common to two files?
30.   What is the difference between cat foo and cat>foo? Why do you have to use Ctrl-d in one and not in in the other?
31.   Describe the grep command used for searching a pattern with any 2 examples.
32.    Which are the two options compulsory in cut command ?

5 marks questions
1.       Write any five differences between linux and windows operating system.
2.       Explain the features of Linux file system.
3.       Explain the benefits or advantages of Linux operating system.
4.       Write a note on history of linux
5.       Explain any two Linux flavors.
6.       Explain any five Linux commands with examples.
7.       Explain the uses of cat command with their syntaxes.
8.       Discuss about the file permissions.
9.       Write a note on security of file in linux.
10.   What are the uses of sed  command.
11.   Explain any two file comparison commands.
12.   Explain date command with any four options.
13.   Explain the usage of grep command .
14.   Explain the root directory structure of linux.
15.   Explain any two filters in linux with minimum two options.
16.   Write a note on disk related commands In linux.
17.   Explain the chmod command in linux.
18.   Write a note on sed command.
19.   Briefly describe any five basic commands  with suitable example.

10 marks questions
1.       Explain the benefits of Linux operating system.
2.       Explain different flavors of Linux operating system.
3.       Explain any five commands with syntax and related examples.
4.       Explain the file permissions with respect to characters and numbers.
5.       Write the installation steps for Ubuntu operating system.
6.       Explain any ten basic commands in linux with suitable examples.

Module 2
2 marks questions
1.       What is an inode?
2.       Define boot strap loader.
3.       What is the command used to find the inode number of  a file.
4.       What does inode block contain?
5.       What does inode table contains?
6.       Define system call.
7.       What are hard links In Linux?
8.       Mention different blocks of unix  file system
9.       Write any two qualities of soft link.
10.   What is the difference between mounting and un mounting?
11.   What is the difference between stat and fstat commands?
12.   Define pipe and give an example.
13.   How do you create link to the file?
14.   Write difference between soft link and hard link.
15.   What is the command used to change the owner of the file.
16.   What is the command used to create a special file?
17.   Write any characteristics of hard link.

5 marks questions
1.       Write the structure of regular file.
2.       Wirt a note on super block and inode block
3.       Explain different blocks belonging to file in linux.
4.       List any five system calls with their use.
5.       Explain mounting and mounting with related commands.
6.       What is the difference between soft link and hard link.
7.       Explain pipe features with related examples.

10 marks questions
1.       Explain different blocks of the Linux file system.

Module 3
2 marks questions.
2.       Define process.
3.       Define scheduler.
4.       What is the difference between pid and ppid.
5.       Write any two options of ps command.
6.       How to kill a process.
7.       Define daemon process.
8.       How do you run a process in the back ground?
9.       Which are the different states in which a process can be?
10.   What are daemons In Linux?
11.   How to check process running on a particular terminal?
12.   What is the command used to find the PPID of process?
13.   Define process table.
14.   How do you run a process even when user logout?

5 marks questions
1.       Explain the different states of a process.
2.       Write a note on context of a process.
3.       Explain the mechanism of process creation.
4.       Explain how to control a process.
5.       Explain how to terminate a process?
6.       Explain ps command with any four options.
7.       Define a process and what is pid and ppid?

10 marks questions
1.       Explain process states and transitions with neat labeled diagram.


2 marks questions
1.       What is vi editor?
2.       What are the features of vi editor
3.       What are the operating modes available in vi editor?
4.       How will you switch to insert mode from command mode and vice versa?
5.       Write the syntax to create a vi editor file
6.       How will you open an already created vi editor file?
7.       Write the syntax to save a vi editor file
8.       Write the syntax to exit a vi editor file
9.       How will you save and exit a vi editor file?
10.    Write the syntax to save and quit the read only file
11.    Write the syntax to save file and quits in editing mode
12.    What is the difference between r and R command?
13.    What is the difference between s and S command?
14.    What is the difference between o and O command?
15.    What is the purpose of x and X command?
16.    How will you delete  a character under cursor?
17.    How will you delete 2 characters under cursor?
18.    How will you delete an entire line under cursor?
19.    How will you delete and replace a character under cursor?
20.    How will you move cursor to the top of the screen?
21.    How will you move cursor to the middle of the screen?
22.    How will you move cursor to the bottom of the screen?
23.    What is the purpose of z , z+ , z- commands ?
24.    How will you insert a character before cursor?
25.    how will you append a character after cursor?
26.    how will you append a character at end of the line?
27.    Write a command to search a specific word.
28.    How will you move cursor to last line of the file?
29.    write the syntax to search a specific word and replace the word
30.    List out the no. of flags available in search and replace commands and explain it in detail
31.    List out the commands which are communicating with other users in Linux.
32.    write the syntax to send a mail to multiple users
33.    what is the purpose of mesg command and explain it in detail?
34.    How to send a mail with subject, cc and body?
35.    how ftp is used in communication ?
36.    explain in detail about mail command
37.    How will you copy a line x if the cursor is in line y?

5 mark questions

1.       Explain the operating modes in detail
2.       Explain cursor movement commands in vi editor
3.       Explain briefly about inserting and deleting commands in vi editor
4.       What are the options in ftp command and explain in detail
5.       Explain in detail about who command
6.       Write short notes on wall command
7.       Explain briefly about search and replace commands
8.       Explain briefly about yanking with examples
9.       Explain briefly about inserting and deleting commands in vi editor
10.    Explain briefly about searching in vi editor
11.    Explain briefly about screen movement commands
12.    Explain about cursor movement commands

10 mark questions

1.       Explain briefly about communicating with other users

Module 5
2 mark questions
1.       What are the common administrative tasks of system administrator in Linux?
2.       How to identify the administrative task of a system administrator
3.       What is the role of system administrator?
4.       What are the responsibilities of system administrator?
5.       How to create a new user in Linux
6.       How will you add a new user?
7.       How to add a new user in to a group
8.       How to change the password for the particular user
9.       What is the purpose of us and suds command in Linux
10.    Write the syntax and attributes of su and sudo command in Linux
11.    How to modify the user account options
12.    How to add a user to multiple groups?
13.    How will you create a user with password expiry date?
14.    Is it possible to disable a particular user account temporarily?
15.    How to delete a particular user account
16.    What are the attributes used in deleting user account?
17.    How to add a new user temporarily?
18.    How to switch from normal user to root user?
19.    Explain in detail about becoming super user using su.
20.    How to get system information with uname, host name?
21.    How to install and remove the packages as an administrator?
22.    How will you change the ownership of an user account?

3 Mark questions

1.       Explain in detail about log files in linux
2.       Explain the file permissions in linux
3.       Explain in detail about disk partitions in linux
4.       Explain about uname and host name in linux
5.       Explain in detail about ownership of user accounts
6.       Explain the file security in linux
7.       Explain in detail about linux system monitoring performance.
8.       How to create a group and add a new user in it.
9.       Explain in detail about file system mounting in linux.
10.    What is super user and explain it in detail.
11.    What is root user and explain it in detail.
12.    Explain in detail about creating and managing groups.

10 Mark Questions

1.       Explain briefly about managing user accounts
2.       Explain in detail about log files